Finding Fulfillment through Giving (back)

Giving has always brought me into a state of ultimate fulfillment, it gives me a feeling of multiplication, joy if shared is multiplied, kindness and care if shared create a ripple effect. If we give, we align to the abundance vibration.

Yet, we live in an era where many individuals seem indifferent to the hardships faced by others. This apathy may stem from various factors. However, giving back to society is a powerful way to find fulfillment in life.

By contributing to the greater good, individuals can experience a sense of purpose and satisfaction that goes beyond personal achievements. It remains one of the greatest achievements one can aspire for.

Although it is a personal choice to decide what to do with one’s resources, choosing to give back to society is an exceptionally bold and commendable decision.

For it is giving that we receive - Francis of Assisi

Contributing to society does not require immense wealth. Instead, it involves a willingness to bring joy and relief to others, regardless of one’s financial status. Here are six key ways to give back to society;

1. Random Acts of Kindness: Perform small acts of kindness, such as buying someone coffee or holding the door for someone.

2. Environmental Stewardship: Engaging in activities that promote sustainability and environmental conservation, such as participating in clean-up events or supporting eco-friendly initiatives, can benefit society as a whole by preserving our planet for future generations.

3.      Advocacy: Speaking out on behalf of marginalized or underrepresented groups can help drive positive change and raise awareness about important social issues that need attention.

4. Community Engagement: Getting involved in local community projects, events, or initiatives can foster a sense of unity and belonging while addressing specific needs or challenges facing your neighborhood.

5. Social Entrepreneurship: Starting a social enterprise or supporting businesses with a strong social mission can create sustainable solutions to societal problems while generating income and opportunities for those in need.

6. Volunteering: Donating one’s time and skills to various causes is invaluable. Whether it's mentoring, participating in community clean-ups, or supporting local charities, volunteering has a profound impact.


1. Promotes the Principle of Kindness: Giving back to society instills and reinforces the value of kindness. Acts of generosity create a ripple effect, inspiring others to act kindly and fostering a more compassionate community.

2. Reduces Instability in Society: By addressing the root causes of poverty and lack of opportunity, giving back helps to mitigate circumstances that often lead to criminal behaviour. Providing support and resources can reduce the desperation that drives individuals to commit crimes.

3. Fosters Love and Cohesion: Engaging in charitable activities brings people together, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect. These shared efforts strengthen community bonds and create a supportive and harmonious environment.

4. Promotes Equity and Discourages Discrimination: Giving back helps level the playing field, ensuring that marginalised groups have access to resources and opportunities. This promotes social equity and helps to break down barriers of discrimination and prejudice.

5. Gives Less Privileged People the Opportunity to Maximise Their Full Potential: Providing support to those in need empowers them to overcome challenges and pursue their goals. Access to education, healthcare, and other resources enables individuals to develop their talents and contribute positively to society.

6. Enhances Personal Growth and Fulfilment: Giving back to society can be deeply rewarding on a personal level. It offers a sense of purpose and satisfaction, knowing that one's actions are making a positive impact on the lives of others.

7.      Strengthens Community Resilience: Communities with strong support networks are better equipped to handle crises and challenges. Giving back builds these networks, enhancing the overall resilience and stability of the community.

8.      Encourages a Culture of Generosity: Acts of giving create a culture where generosity is valued and celebrated. This culture encourages others to contribute, creating a cycle of continuous support and improvement within the community.

9.      Fosters gratitude and appreciation: Giving back cultivates a sense of gratitude for what you have and appreciation for the opportunities to make a difference.

10.  It's a blessing to give: Giving back is a privilege and a blessing, allowing you to share your resources and make a positive difference in the lives of other people.

Giving back is a privilege and a blessing, allowing you to share your resources and make a positive difference in the lives of other people.

In conclusion, giving back to society is a rewarding and fulfilling experience that benefits both the individual and the community.  It involves more than just financial contributions; it requires a genuine commitment to improving the lives of others. By engaging in acts of kindness and generosity, we can create a more compassionate and equitable world.

May you experience the blessing of giving.

Much love, Barbara


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