How to find Peace in Difficult Times

“Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it’, as the Roman poet Horace so eloquently said. Challenges, difficulties and hardships are the perfect opportunity for us to develop resilience, to train in detachment and address the situation with calm and clarity.

How can we stay positive during difficult times? What can we do to not be swept away by sudden feelings of fear, doubt or insecurity?


First of all, allowing ourselves to just feel the feelings that are coming up, feeling them without judgement. It just IS. Then allowing them to flow through, releasing them and then moving forward; allowing the feelings to move through us like clouds moving through the sky.


Focusing on all the blessings in our life. And not allowing those fearful feelings and thoughts hold any space in our mind anymore.

Start counting all the things you are grateful for:

- I am grateful that I am healthy and have the power within me to make changes

- I am grateful to be surrounded by a loving family and supportive friends

- I am grateful to have a roof over my head and food on my plate

- I am grateful to have the strength to overcome with grace and ease whatever life throws at me

- I am grateful to be connected virtually with so many amazing people all over the world

and make that list as long as you can. Shifting to gratitude brings us in a positive state of mind which helps us get clarity and helps us focus on possible solutions.


We are in control of how we feel and what we think if we pay attention. Thoughts and feelings are not permanent. Once we become aware, we become powerful. Panic, stress and overwhelm are bad advisors and make us regret our reactions. In detaching from stressful thoughts we become aware that we have the choice in every moment how we respond to a certain situation.


Peace of mind comes from detachment and having a bigger perspective. Remember that the world is served mostly by a calm, centered and peaceful you. You are bigger than your worries, you are not your problems, and you certainly have everything within you to overcome whatever it is that you are facing.

And although these days the world might seem a dark place, this is merely an invitation for us TO BE THE LIGHT, to be an example of PEACE and POSITIVE CHANGE.



True Leadership requires vulnerability.


Turn Your Challenges into Growth