Understanding of Self will Lead to a More Fulfilled Life and a Better World 🌍

Many are chasing happiness and fulfillment based on the paradigms from their culture, peers, parents and have never really questioned those.

Is the college degree, the big corporate title, the big house, the big car, … the key to happiness? Is chasing some other worldly success or chasing some achievements the key to happiness?

That depends. If your goals are based on your insecurities or on others people’s expectations, you will not experience deep and lasting joy, fulfillment and peace.

Many of us have no clue of Who We Are, and what Our Purpose might be. Without a deeper understanding of Self, without a more profound insight in our Nature, we will never find long lasting fulfillment and peace.

We can witness all around us how most people operate from a place of unresolved trauma, wounds, hurt, fixed beliefs based on what they were told without ever inquiring the filter through which they approach the world. This results in unconscious harmful behaviour: bullying bosses, toxic colleagues, dangerous world leaders.

Let me share this very revealing quote with you: "Modern Man is the victim of the very instruments he values most. Every gain in power, every mastery of natural forces, every scientific addition to knowledge, has proved potentially dangerous, because it has not been accompanied by equal gains in self-understanding and self-discipline.' - Lewis Mumford

As long as we do not strive for the self-understanding first, our behaviour will remain unconscious and most of the time harmful, not only for others but mainly for ourselves.

Once we can see clearly that we are not the luggage we carry, we are not the garbage we keep in our mind, we are not the personality structure we built to protect ourselves, we can become totally free from those confines.

Only then we will truly get in touch with the Light we carry and that we came to illuminate the World with.

So instead of hiding in the comfort of your current beliefs, status-quo or even habitual pain, isn't it better to ask yourself: am I living a life that is feeding my purpose? Is this growing my soul? Is my life a contribution to humanity?

Am I sharing my Light? Sharing my Gifts fully?

When we look into Nature; we see that a tree offers its fruits gracefully, a flower blossoms for the sake of beauty, giving its fragrance without expecting anything in return.

Can we fully blossom and gift the world with the fruits of our gifts and the beauty of our Spirit?

In focusing on living a life of service and contribution, in focusing on building a legacy, you take your life to a complete new level; you outgrow your small persona and become the fuller, brighter and bigger version of yourself.

Might this become your focus.

Much love, Barbara


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