You Possess the Power to Bring about Change

When we look at the current state of the world, we might get overwhelmed by the darkness, discouraged by the massive healing the world needs, and think that our efforts will never suffice to bring about positive changes.

However, each one of us can be that changemaker.

Each one of us has the power to change the course of the direction of humanity. Each one of us can voice his choice for a more compassionate and kinder world where life is revered and sacred. Where life is no longer exploited to quench the insatiable thirst of greed, the unappeasable hunger for power. 

It begins all in our direct circle. Albert Schweitzer, one of my soul brothers, phrases it beautifully: “One can save one’s life as a human being, along with one’s professional existence, if one seizes every opportunity, however unassuming, to act humanly toward those who need another human being. In this way we serve both the spiritual and the good. Nothing can keep us from this second job of direct human service. So many opportunities are missed to let them pass by. Everyone in his own environment must strive to practice true humanity toward others. The future of the world depends on it.”

He wrote these words many decades ago and couldn’t be more timely. For every kind word we speak, we heal a part of ourselves, we heal a part of humanity.

We can never underestimate the power of “small” gestures of kindness. We do not need cameras or news coverage, and we do not need large audiences to make an impact.

Every choice for connection instead of separation, every choice to build bridges instead of burning them, every choice to be the bigger person, every choice for humility and service instead of arrogance or boasting makes you a role model for a new way of Being. 

It's realizing that the power for transformation, to bring about change, is within us. And it can never be taken away unless we allow it.

My call to you is to use your voice, use your transformative power, become an alchemist in your family, community, organization, even the world. Whether you are striving for more respect for the planet, animals, children, or a different educational system, it doesn’t matter. Start small and be persistent.

Kahlil Gibran described it so lyrically in his masterpiece The Prophet: 

“Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul, and then walks grinning in the funeral.”

And it is exactly our inner fire that the world needs so much to burn some obstinate, destructive paradigms. In becoming changemakers, it’s about undoing our falsehood first, it’s about inner transformation first so we can become beacons of hope and light.

Much love, Barbara

PS This is an excerpt out of my book 'The Path of Powerful Kindness'. If you want to explore how to adopt a kind, detached and powerful way of living, 'The Path of Powerful Kindness' might be something for you. You can check it out here:


My Life Philosophy on How to Lead with Kindness


Reverence for Life