Gratitude: A Key Secret to Fulfillment
According to the Roman philosopher Cicero, gratitude is not only the greatest virtue but also the parent of all other virtues.
Walking the Path of Powerful Kindness includes walking with an attitude of reverence and gratitude for life.
Gratitude can be expressed in various forms. It does not cost much to show gratitude. This includes appreciating little things, devoting your time, smiling as much as you can, offering sincere compliments, and so on. Statements like “I couldn’t have made it without you” or “thank you for everything you have done for me” alone are enough for a person to feel appreciated.
Positive psychology holds that feeling thankful increases happiness and fulfilment.
My Life Philosophy on How to Lead with Kindness
Why there is no such thing as being too kind...
Have you ever been told you're "too kind" for this world? Or perhaps, you've adopted the mask of toughness, thinking it's the only way to conceal your vulnerabilities.
No matter where you are, here's a secret...
There's no such thing as being "too kind." The key lies in setting boundaries, stopping people-pleasing habits, and gracefully distancing yourself from negativity.
My philosophy about kindness acknowledges the necessity of setting boundaries— recognizing that while kindness knows no bounds, healthy relationships require discernment.
It advocates for a balance between unwavering kindness and self-preservation. The narrative also addresses the pitfalls of people-pleasing, urging individuals to distinguish genuine kindness from actions fueled by external validation.
You Possess the Power to Bring about Change
When we look at the current state of the world, we might get overwhelmed by the darkness, discouraged by the massive healing the world needs, and think that our efforts will never suffice to bring about positive changes.
However, each one of us can be that changemaker.
Each one of us has the power to change the course of direction of humanity. Each one of us can voice his choice for a more compassionate and kinder world where life is revered and sacred. Where life is no longer exploited to quench the insatiable thirst of greed, the unappeasable hunger for power.
Read the full article here!
Reverence for Life
To walk the Path of Powerful Kindness it is important to understand where our starting point is.
How did we end up in a place where Kindness is perceived as Weakness? For ages, we have believed that success in this world is only possible when we become tough, merciless, and without compassion for those around us. We would accept and even applaud the greed and brutality of our leaders in all fields throughout society.
This paradigm, which is extremely harmful to us and to the planet, has become outdated if we want to evolve into a mature and balanced humanity. It must be eradicated simply for a better future for our species.
Applauding and encouraging arrogant behavior has always startled me. What is so noble about walking ruthlessly over others, cheating to be the so-called best?
Read the full article based on an excerpt from my book 'The Path of Powerful Kindness' in my weekly newsletter Positivity and Kindness Insights.
How to Overcome Overwhelm and Navigate a Hectic Life with Ease
In our lives, there are moments when we find ourselves dealing with a multitude of challenges simultaneously. If we don't effectively manage these overwhelming feelings, anxiety can take hold.
Juggling the stress of relationships, traumatic experiences, financial difficulties, parenting, and caregiving for elderly parents can make it incredibly difficult to move forward in life. It's important to acknowledge that feeling overwhelmed is natural, but knowing how to handle it is crucial. Excessive overwhelm can lead to depression and other psychological issues.
Here are five strategies to maintain resilience in the face of a hectic life.
Encouraging the Spirit of Kindness Among Children
What could be more uplifting than watching children treat people with kindness, regardless of their age, gender, or race?
Kindness is a value to be included in the upbringing of children. As a parent and an adult who cares for children, we must pay attention to their emotional and psychosocial well-being.
Children are healthier and more cheerful when kindness is promoted among them.
Here are Six Ways of Encouraging Acts of Kindness Among Children:
Why Kindness and Compassion are Crucial in a Work Environment
In today's fast-paced work environment, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of meeting deadlines, achieving targets, and climbing up the corporate ladder. However, in the pursuit of success, it is crucial not to lose sight of the importance of kindness and compassion in the workplace.
How To Manage Conflict Better With Kindness And Compassion
“The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them.” – Thomas Crum
Conflict is an inevitable part of our daily lives that can impact our personal growth and mental well-being. Whether it is internal or external, conflicts can be stressful events. As a manager, mentor, and coach, I have worked with people worldwide who are struggling with conflicts. Based on my experiences, I strongly believe that exhibiting kindness and compassion is one of the most powerful ways to respond to conflicts.
Find out the seven ways to manage conflicts better with kindness and compassion.
Don't Let Your Self-Worth Be Determined By Others
What do deeply fulfilled people have in common?
They feel good in their own skin, they have accepted themselves completely with their gifts and their flaws. They do NOT let depend their sense of self-worth on what other people say.
That makes them powerful since they do not give the power over their sense of wellbeing to others, they do not let their sense of self-worth be determined by others.
What Does Your Fear Cost You?
“When I decided to step up almost a decade back as a voice of compassion and kindness, there was a huge fear of being judged and ridiculed. But the passion for bringing the message was stronger than the fear”
Fear can be paralyzing and can leave us feeling unable to move forward. It is often rooted in fear of failure or fear of success. When we give in to our fears, we can become overwhelmed with doubt and insecurity. We begin to think that our potential is limited and that we are unable to achieve our goals.
Being too nice is harmful and can perpetuate a toxic workplace culture.
We all like to be nice. It makes us feel good to help others, to be kind and to put a smile on someone’s face. But being too nice, especially in the workplace, can be harmful. It can perpetuate a toxic workplace culture, and it can be a sign that your boundaries are not being respected.
It’s important to remember that being kind and considerate to others is one thing, but enabling bad behaviour is another.
A Return to Humanness
In all that we strive for, whether it is success in our professional or personal life, let's first make sure that each encounter is about approaching the other as a fellow human being first.
Let's never forget our humanness and let us never sacrifice that for so called success. We are never a success when we lose our human values along the way. A true leader is always an amazing and caring human being first.
Create Positive Results Consciously in the New Year
Every year comes with its benefits and drawbacks. Has it become a habit to fail achieve your set goals each year? If yes, have you ever thought about why you are not achieving your anticipated progress?
This is because we frequently keep making the same mistakes. After all, we pay little attention to crucial details which have the power to either make or unmake us.
Most Valuable Lessons Learned In The Past Year
Which are the most valuable lessons we can learn from this past year? Here are some insights I gained during the past year:
We start fully living our purpose when we transcend our small persona with its neurotic needs.
Understanding of Self will Lead to a More Fulfilled Life and a Better World 🌍
Many are chasing happiness and fulfillment based on the paradigms from their culture, peers, parents and have never really questioned those.
Is the college degree, the big corporate title, the big house, the big car, … the key to happiness? Is chasing some other worldly success or chasing some achievements the key to happiness?
4 Ways To Finish Strong in 2022 - or in life
As we are moving into the second part of the year, it can be helpful to pause for a moment and see if we are still expanding and growing in alignment with our gifts and our purpose.
As an (over)achiever, it has always been a challenge for me to not to get caught too much in the 'doing' and forgetting about: WHO AM I (BECOMING) WHILE I AM DOING MY THING IN THE WORLD?